We are happy to announce a collaboration with Hmlet, a brand that’s known for curating luxurious homes, and hassle-free living across Singapore, Hongkong, Tokyo and Sydney. Now Hmlet members get exclusive discounts on all our eco yoga mats, meditation cushion and yogic lifestyle accessories. What more, we also offer special shipping rates to all Hmlet locations.

“COVID 19 has forced people to stay in their houses and build a health regime while staying indoors to boost their immunity and stay fit” highlights Shalini, the founder of Ida Yog. “This partnership with Hmlet is very exciting and in line with the changing preferences of yogis and health enthusiasts who now practice and work out from home. We now provide exclusive membership benefits and discounts to Hmlet members across all Hmlet locations”

Ida Yog makes a range of eco yoga mats designed ground up to elevate the yoga practice whether you practice indoors or in a yoga studio. Our handmade accessories and props are created to enhance the yogic lifestyle. Ida Yog products are loved and purchased by yogis across the world.

This collaboration with Hmlet is valid until the end of February 2021. Stay safe, stay indoors and make daily practice your routine. Namaste!