Featured Influencer: Laura Jaypalan

Ida Yog Influencer laura Jaypalan

Tell us about yourself?

I’m a US-born yoga teacher now living in England. I’ve taken the rather windy path of studying anthropology, which leads me to various opportunities traveling, lecturing and working with students. Yoga has been a part of my life for over ten years, and has been with me through the ebbs and flow.

What experience brought you to yoga? Tell us about your Yoga Journey

My yoga journey began in 2008 when I started to practice with yoga DVDs with the hope of getting rock hard abs. Since then, my practice has evolved to the point where I don’t care about rock hard abs, and genuinely see how a regular yoga practice makes life better. My journey started in a literal basement, moved onto multiple yoga studios.

I am influenced by Power yoga, Forrest yoga; Kundalini styles of yoga, but umbrella my practice under Hatha, the root of all postural yoga. In 2015 I earned my 200-hour yoga teacher training foundation course from Urban Breath in St. Louis, Missouri. As I began to explore my voice as a teacher, I took on an additional 300-hour Hatha yoga training in Rishikesh, India in 2017.

My yoga practice makes my life better. It makes me treat others well, my environment mindfully, and myself with the respect I deserve. It is self-inquiry, exploration and practice. And the funny thing is, I know this is just the beginning. With yoga as a tool, I am looking forward to changes and growth in the future.

How did you discover Ida Yog and what do you love about it?

I met the founder of Ida Yog on a 300-hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India in 2017. I was struck by Shalini’s dedication to her practice, as well as her warmth and kindness. I was so excited to see her develop a brand that is eco-friendly and rooted in a passion for yoga. Each product is thoughtful and designed for not only supporting a yoga practice, but our environment as well.

Tell us more about your current yoga journey. What style(s) of yoga do you teach? Practice?

I currently teach yoga in Cambridge, UK. I teach hatha yoga though am influenced by a variety of styles, including kundalini, Forrest and Power. I also learn from daily classes and with my students. For every class, I try to make yoga accessible by connecting with the breath and building into postures. Awareness if always the key in my practice and I try to share this with my students. My personal practice is usually in the AM and catered to what my mind and body need to start the say strong, focused and energized for the day.

What yoga certifications do you have?

I have a 200-hour yoga certification from Urban Breath Yoga School in St. Louis, Missouri USA and a 300-hour certification from Shiva Yoga Peeth in Rishikesh, India. I learn from my own practice and students every day, which is like a life-long yoga school in its own right!

Do you have any events or workshops coming up?

My next workshop is 16th February in Cambridge, UK. I teach regular classes every week around Cambridge. You can read more about my schedule on my website, www.laurajayoga.com. I also write for online yoga websites, such as DoYouYoga and am the co-author of The Yogis Journal, a journal to guide you week-by-week through your practice.

Other than yoga, what are your hobbies or favorite ways to spend your time?

My hobbies are predictable! I enjoy reading, freelance writing, spending time outside, creating new things, spending time with friends, traveling and cooking. Anything that makes me feel present is what I ultimately want to do in my free time, and that really changes depending on energy and mood!

Other than yoga, what is your favorite way to take care of yourself?

I am working on improving my meditation practice and daily journaling. For me, reflection is a key part in self-care. After all, if I don’t know where I stand, then who does? I have also found that creating small rituals around everyday activities keeps my mindful, gracious and in the present moment. Sparking joy every day is always a goal of mine.

What is your life’s philosophy? The mantra you live by?

I set weekly mantras to guide my mind and actions through the week. I make this by reflecting on what I need- where do I need to improve? What do I need to make space for this week? Based on this, I suppose my life’s philosophy is to listen, adapt and explore. We all have to do this to some degree to keep up with life and enjoy it as well.

What is your favorite place that you have travelled and why?

I don’t think I can pick one place. I think the travels that have taught me the most was Tanzania. I studied there in 2007 and returned to work in 2012 and 2014. Those trips always kept me on my toes and made me a better person. One thing I love about traveling is the growth it creates in you. Perspectives are always shifted, ideas challenged and new things to marvel at. Travel creates wonder for me. 


Narrate an experience as a student of yoga that has changed you.

I don’t think I have ever had an immediate epiphany in yoga. What I have had is a consistent practice that has taught me to be patient that things take time, and you have to start where you are. I first felt the wisdom of yoga after I started attending regular classes at a studio in Chicago. I couldn’t afford the fees to be a member, so I did a work trade where I would spend time cleaning the studio in exchange for attending classes. During this time I was able to experience different styles, teachers and really feel the effect a physical yoga practice can have. After this point, I knew yoga was an incredible tool that would always be a part of my life. And almost 10 years later, it still is, and I am very grateful for that.

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